+60 11-1883 6601 info@awningsmalaysia.com qnqsolutions80@gmail.com
+60 11-1883 6601 info@awningsmalaysia.com qnqsolutions80@gmail.com

We pride ourselves on conveying high-quality, inventive shade arrangements that change spaces and improve ways of life. Our most recent venture highlights the establishment of exquisite glass overhangs, exhibiting our commitment to mixing advanced plan with usefulness. Perused on to memorize more almost our later work and find how glass shades can lift your property.

Venture Diagram

Penang, Malaysia


A extravagance private property looking for to improve its open air living space with a smooth and cutting edge shading arrangement.

Scope of Work:

Plan, manufacture, and establishment of custom glass overhangs for the yard and entrance ranges.

Plan and Materials
For this extend, we utilized high-quality tempered glass and robust aluminum outlines to make shades that are both tastefully satisfying and solid. The choice of materials guarantees the shades can withstand the tropical climate of Penang whereas giving a modern see.


Tempered Glass:
Offers prevalent quality and security, able of withstanding impacts and cruel climate conditions.
Aluminum Outlines:
Lightweight however strong, giving amazing back without compromising on plan.
Custom Wraps up:
The outlines were powder-coated to coordinate the property’s outside, guaranteeing a consistent integration with the existing design.
Benefits of Glass Overhangs
1. Present day Stylish Offer

Glass shades include a touch of cutting edge tastefulness to any property. Their smooth, straightforward plan improves the visual request of the domestic whereas permitting normal light to channel through, making a shinning and inviting environment.

2. Upgraded Open air Encounter

These overhangs give amazing security from the components without blocking the see. Mortgage holders can appreciate their open air spaces comfortably, whether it’s amid a sunny evening or a light rain shower.

3. Toughness and Moo Upkeep

The materials utilized in our glass shades are planned for longevity and negligible upkeep. Tempered glass is profoundly strong, and aluminum outlines are safe to rust and erosion, guaranteeing that the shades stay in best condition for a long time to come.

4. Expanded Property Esteem

The expansion of in vogue glass shades can essentially boost the property’s showcase esteem. Their advanced offer and viable benefits make them an alluring include for potential buyers.

Establishment Handle
Our group of experienced experts taken care of the establishment prepare with exactness and care. The steps included:

Interview and Plan:
Collaborating with the client to get it their vision and requirements.
Custom-making the glass boards and outlines to fit the particular measurements and plan of the property.
Guaranteeing secure and precise establishment, with consideration to detail and security guidelines.
Client Criticism
The client was excited with the ultimate result, lauding the overhangs for their a la mode appearance and commonsense benefits. The glass shades not as it were improved the tasteful offer of the property but moreover given a comfortable and utilitarian open air space for the family to appreciate.